Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mexican President Felipe Calderon proposes reform to eliminate Mexico's 2,000 local police depts

According to the LA Times, Felipe Calderon proposed a plan yesterday to the Mexican Congress that could potentially revamp the nation's police system by completely doing away with city/municipal police forces.

According to the proposal, management of the country's police system would be shifted over to the 31 states of Mexico. The the nation's 2,000 municipal police department would no longer be needed, and thus would be eliminated.

This "unified command" concept would make it easier to weed out corruption, as a standardized form of police officer testing could be applied nation wide. Mayors would also hold less sway over departments as well, as they would no longer fall under their authority. In addition, police would be trained and equipped according to a federal level, and not a state one. This would aid in alleviating the issue of under-trained and under-equipped departments, particularly ones in underdeveloped areas with either small or non-existence police forces.

However, many are skeptical of the plan, including many of Mexico's mayors, who argue that the plans points the blame of police corruption at them. Furthermore, experts warn that concentrating police authority at the police level could potentially make it easier for DTO's to control entire states via bribes or intimidation of state commanders.

Though the plan has it pros and cons, there aren't many other plans that constructively address the issue of police corruption. This plan places most control at the federal level, increasing the amount of direct communication between the government and police forces, thus in my opinion, decreasing the chance of there being differences in agenda. 

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